Sunday, July 14, 2024

Privacy, Online and Off



    The pervasive use of social media, digital platforms, and advanced surveillance technologies significantly affect my privacy and that of my friends and family. Social media and “electronic tattoos” create profiles about us exposing intimate details of our lives that can be exploited by various entities. Increased surveillance technologies enable the tracking of our personal information, associations, and movements that threaten our privacy. Moreover, facial recognition and data mining further exacerbate these issues, resulting in unwanted targeting by advertisements, law enforcement, and even criminals. This constant monitoring is not only a violation of our civil rights, but a threat to our livelihood.

    To address these privacy concerns, I believe the government should implement stricter regulations on data collection and usage, ensuring that our personal information is protected. Enforcing transparency and consent requirements for data collection practices is crucial so that we are fully aware of how our data is being used and have the power to control it. Local police departments should be governed by city councils to pass laws requiring the disposal of innocent civilians' data. Additionally, robust laws criminalizing cyberbullying and revenge porn are essential, along with providing resources and support for victims to help them with the severe emotional and psychological impacts of these acts. 

    I will take proactive steps to protect my privacy from invasions by using encrypted communication tools such as iMessage and Whatsapp to secure my conversations and data from unauthorized access. Being mindful of what I share online, regularly reviewing and adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms, and using strong, unique passwords for different accounts to protect my personal information. Though tedious, I will read through the terms and conditions of every app going forth. I will not be connecting to public wifi that can easily be hacked through any third party. Most importantly, I will further educate myself and my loved ones about the dangers of modern technology and how we can better protect ourselves and others. 

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 Blog Post #10